
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Libby's debut tea

Handwritten at top right: E. Adsit's Debut Tea Nov. 16, 1916

Elizabeth Adsit is my paternal grandmother, born June 18, 1897, in Chicago, Illinois, died December 6, 1983, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Wordless Wednesday is a daily blogging prompt from Geneabloggers, the genealogy community's resource for blogging. It is used by many genealogy bloggers to help them tell stories of their ancestors.


  1. What beautiful photos and a beautiful grandmother. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Barbara. I love my Flip-Pal scanner that makes it possible for me to scan a larger image to be able to share it.

  3. I love the expressions on your grandmother's face--the excitement and yet a bit of apprehension. Ah,if only we could all only be young again!

  4. Sheryl, thanks for the comment and your lovely description of the expressions on my grandmother's face. I wish I had had the chance to discuss family history with her and ask her about some of the photos I have, but my interest in family history developed after her death.
