
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

One Lovely Blog Award

I have to thank two fellow geneabloggers for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award: Heather Rojo, who writes Nutfield Genealogy, and Dana Leeds, who writes The Enthusiastic Genealogist.

Here are the 'rules' for this One Lovely Blog Award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to that blog
2. Share seven things about yourself
3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire (or as many as you can think of!)
4. Contact your bloggers to let them know that you've tagged them for the One Lovely Blog Award

So, first, thanks again to Heather Rojo and Dana Leeds. (See links above.)

Seven things about me:
1. I write a second blog, A Jewish Genealogy Journey, about my husband's ancestry.
2. I have been singing in choral groups most of my life. I currently sing with the Dedham Choral Society.
3. I am involved with local politics and local League of Women Voters.
4. I was a math major in college, and have always loved math.
5. I volunteer at the local elementary school providing math enrichment to bright fifth graders.
6. I have volunteered for the New England Historic Genealogical Society for several years. I do proofreading, indexing, and transcribing of records that ultimately end up on their website.
7. I have two college-age sons and I hope at least one of them ultimately shows an interest in genealogy...

Nominations for the award, in alphabetical order:
1. Emily Garber, who writes (going) The Extra Yad
2. Jacqi Stevens, who writes A Family Tapestry
3. Sheryl Lazarus, who writes A Hundred Years Ago and Fashion A Hundred Years Ago.
4. Devon Lee, who writes A Patient Genealogist
5. Jenny Lanctot, who writes Are My Roots Showing
6. Marian Burk Wood, who writes Climbing My Family Tree
7. Pam Schaffner, who writes Digging Down East
8. Elyse Doerflinger, who writes Elyse's Genealogy Blog
9. Erica Dakin Voolich, who writes Erica's Adventures in Genealogy
10. John Tew, who writes Filiopietism Prism
11. Michael Lacopo, who writes Hoosier Daddy?
12. Jana Last, who writes Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
13. Lara Diamond, who writes Lara's Family Search
14. Catherine Pendleton, who writes The Pendleton Genealogy Post
15. Jim Craig, who writes Under Every Stone

I hope you find an interesting new blog to read in this list. I now have to notify those whom I have nominated.


  1. Thank you for nominating A Hundred Years Ago. I am honored that you think it is worthy of this award.

    1. Sheryl,

      You're welcome - I love the theme of your blog and I'm glad to see you've gotten lots of followers!

  2. Elizabeth, I am honored and grateful for your nomination. And I appreciate your list of nominated blogs because I'm always interested in following fascinating gen bloggers. Thank you!

    1. Marian,

      You're welcome and I enjoy the variety of stories you have shared about your and your husband's ancestors.

  3. Elizabeth, another mathematical woman!!
    I am honored to be listed with those other bloggers!
    If I get caught up with my non-genealogy stuff, I might continue, but no promises now. There is a Somerville math fund event looming on the horizon right now. Thanks

    1. Erica,

      You're welcome and I enjoy the depth of the stories you share about your ancestors. Hope to see you at a Massachusetts genealogy event soon!

  4. Congrats, Elizabeth, your blog certainly deserves it!

    1. Karen, I should have included your blog in my nominations, but I had seen that someone else nominated you!

      Thanks for the complement.

    2. You're very welcome, and thanks for letting me know that someone nominated me-- saw that Heather Rojo did, so I'm getting to work on my post...
