Monday, July 1, 2024

James Pyle and Air Safety ~ 52 Ancestors #27

On page B10 of the April 9, 1998, New York Times, the lead obituary contained the following headline.

James Tolman Pyle, my father's first cousin, was born on November 8, 1913, to David Hunter McAlpin Pyle and Dorothy Merle-Smith. He was named for his grandfather, James Tolman Pyle, who died less than two years before his birth.

 This obituary is full of wonderful detail.

I am proud to have met him (in fact, he attended my wedding) and he is my first cousin once removed.

James Tolman Pyle = Frances Adelaide McAlpin
|                                            |
David Hunter McAlpin Pyle             Charles McAlpin Pyle
|                                            |
James Tolman Pyle               Charles McAlpin Pyle, Jr.
|                                            |
2nd cousins                              Me

This week's theme is Planes.

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