My second great grand aunt, Anna Claudine Freeland, lived long enough to be enumerated in ten federal censuses!
I have previously written about Great Aunt Claudine Freeland. I have also shared her brief obituary. (She outlived her four siblings by several decades.)
Sadly, as genealogists know, the 1890 federal census didn't survive a fire in 1921, with most of the damage coming from water used to put out the fire. Following is a summary of what I have found for "Aunt Claude" in all the other federal census records.
Year Name
Age Occupation
Head of Household
1860 Hannah E. Freeland 5
her parents, James and Nancy
1870 Clara Freeland 15
at school
her widowed mother, Nancy
1880 Claude A. Freeland 25
School Teacher her widowed mother, Nancy
1900 Anna C. Freeland 43
School Teacher her widowed mother, Nancy
1910 Claudie Freeland 41
School Teacher her (unmarried) brother, William
1920 Glaudine Freeland 50
School Teacher lodger living in a boarding house
1930 Anna Claudine Freeland 75
None roomer living in Orlando, Florida
1940 Claudine Freeland 85
None lodger living in a boarding house