After posting the
photograph and the
wedding invitation of my second great grandmother, Marion Helen Alston, I thought I'd share some census records for her as a child.
My guess is that she lived her entire life in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
1850 U.S. Federal Census, Allegheny Ward 3, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania;
Roll: 744; Page 105B; Record for John Alston |
In 1850, the household includes John Alston, age 44, occupation carpenter, born in Scotland, with value of real estate owned at $800. Wife, Lilly Alston is 44 and also was born in Scotland.
The following are assumed to be their children, although not specifically stated:
John, age 16, occupation Carpenter, born in Scotland
William, age 8, born in Pennsylvania
Andrew, age 3, born in Pennsylvania
Lilly K., age 12, born in Pennsylvania
Margaret(h), age 10 (though looks like 19), born in Pennsylvania
Marion, age 4/12, born in Pennsylvania
Christine, age 4/12, born in Pennsylvania
And you can see in the far right-hand column that "twin" is noted for Marion and Christine. Based on the date that this census enumerator wrote at the top, 27th September 1850, I am estimating that the twins were born in May 1850.
The 1850 Census was taken over a period of five months beginning on June 1, 1850.
There are two additional members of this household (William Emson and Susan Helman) whom I cannot fit into this family except that the young man was born in Scotland and is a carpenter, so perhaps he came from the same Scottish community that the Alstons did.